Yoga & Meditation

“Yoga is a system of living with sense and science, of the realization of ultimate values and altruistic missions of life. Yoga evolves a harmonious order in mind, matter and man. Yoga is an absolute departure from basic animal tendencies.  Yoga is a state of aloofness from the artificialities of life and relationship. Yoga is the culture of tomorrow”
- Swami Satyananda Saraswati

People are attracted to Yoga and meditation for a variety of different reasons such as spirituality, healthy body, to overcome illness, for mental peace or self-awareness. During a session we can choose any or a mixture of the following to suit you:

Includes various cleansing techniques for the body such as Neti, Kunjal, Shankhaprakshalana and fasting.

Pranayama (breathing) techniques can be explored to develop and bring awareness to your breathing and lung capacity, which leads to better health and increases your clarity and calmness of mind.

Postures to help strengthen your body make it more flexible and give you more awareness over the bodily functions, energy, emotions and consciousness. When the aches and pains and ailments of the body are removed and you are emotionally and mentally relaxed, then you automatically cease to be aware of the physical body and the superficialities of the mind.

All meditation practices aim initially to establish one-pointedness of mind as a prelude to stillness and meditation. Meditation practices can range from OSHO active meditations to Yogic meditations.

Contact if you wish to inquire about cleanings, yoga or meditation.

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