
The primary focus of Deva's artwork portrays delicate beings that all seem to express a feeling of transformation, stillness and love.

Deva's personal journey of self-discovery began whist at university when the question arose, what am I ? She then began writing her thesis on, what it is to be a person entitled – Identity Crisis.

Since then she has traveled world wide exploring yoga, massage and meditation.

Deva's healing arts include various massage mediums, healthy cooking and lifestyle, yoga and meditation.

Deva was born in England, in 1979. She attended the UCA University for the creative arts, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design.  In addition Deva has studied ITEC holistic massage, Thai massage, Tantric massage & meditation, macrobiotics, Yoga teacher training 200 hrs and Osho meditative therapy.

Contact Deva at unspokendivinity@gmail.com if you wish to inquire about commissions, paintings for sale or massage, yoga and meditation.

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